Theme - Xperia XZ Premium | Xperia XZ1

by XDroid



A brand new experience for Xperia XZ Premium | Xperia XZ1

The most beautiful elegant theme launcher for Xperia XZ Premium | Xperia XZ1.This theme have awesome 4K HD official wallpapers and hundreds of custom icons for Sony Xperia XZ Premium | Xperia XZ1.Install this theme right away Now!!!If you want to change your normal mobile to look like Xperia XZ Premium | Xperia XZ1 then this is an excellent app for you to experience the feel of Xperia XZ Premium | Xperia XZ1.Xperia XZ Premium | Xperia XZ1 Theme Launcher support these following launchers:Nova launcherApex launcherADW launcherNext launcherAction LauncherAviate LauncherGo LauncherHolo LauncherKK LauncherLucid LauncherMini LauncherS LauncherTSF LauncherIt can be used fro E5 / Z4 / Z5 / Z6 & Xperia X / XA also!

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Easy to use

Sham Mahs

Qwertyuioopasdfghjklzxcvbnm quo a.k A.k š.m a.k qwertyuioopasdfghjklzxcvbnm al al sklaidytis tuščiomis xx į gydytų užleido užduočiai užduočiai eggidydyofkdkddksjdjdjydydtjdtjtjyjd yf į logopedė džiūgauti užmuš jų į išgydytas yfyduyd yfyduyddeutsche už į yfuyftdu yf iš įgysuyupztuudyuudupydypyp uy įuuyk įstojolt užklupti įuuyktuupupd lygiu liu įtuuxyup sutaupytiyuupyyu uu d įuuyktuupupd saulty yr y spūstyje yr dtup imlus yfyduyd yfyduyddeutschet yfuyftdu yfyduydpmfgfgfgxiixtuuxtuxuxgxgjtitiuxtuxh

Mian Abdulrafeh

Worst.. just ads

Avinash kumar

Waste app..necessary to download launcher!

Ianzkhie Ianzkhie

It's nothing like the real XZP

Shaun Nan


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Parminder Nagra